National Diaspora Policy


Nigerians in the Diaspora have a significant role to play in the development of Nigeria, now and for years to come. Diaspora Remittances in 2019 amounted to US$25 Billion in 2019 which is also 6% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Additionally, Nigerians make up a high percentage of highly educated skilled labour worldwide and occupy important positions of authority and influence in multinational corporations, industries, and organizations worldwide. This means that Nigerians in the Diaspora constitute an important constituency that contribute their wealth of experience, exposure, vast human network, etc to the socio-economic development of the country. The need to leverage on the Diaspora not just for remittances and bonds, but for their unwavering support to join hands in nation building cannot be over emphasized.

Since coming into existence through the Establishment Act of 2017, the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission is determined to ensure that its mandate to “provide for the engagement of Nigerians in Diaspora in the policies, projects and participation in the development of Nigeria and to utilize the human capital and material resources of Nigerians in Diaspora towards the overall socio-economic, cultural and political development of Nigeria and for related matters” is achieved.

The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission will spearhead this mandate and is desirous of connecting with other important stakeholders to execute its mandate. It is for this reason that this National Diaspora Policy was developed. The Policy will serve as a blueprint that will guide and govern the way the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, its partners, and stakeholders in other Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of Government as well as other important multinational organizations and industries engage with the Nigerians in Diaspora for sustained economic growth and development of Nigeria.

I would like to acknowledge the present Administration in its visionary approach in the creation of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission as well as the National Assembly. I would also like to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of the IOM and the EU for the role they played in this document coming to be.

Furthermore, I would like to recognize the contribution of the Standing Committee on Diaspora Matters, which includes the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and all MDAs mentioned in this Policy for the immeasurable roles they played in the development of this Policy. It is important to appreciate all the Nigerians in Diaspora and Nigerians at large for their prayers and continuous efforts.

Honourable Abike Dabiri-Erewa
Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
Nigerians in Diaspora Commission

It is widely acknowledged around the world that the Diaspora is a resource and asset for national development. Nigeria, with its significant population of diaspora thriving in different parts of the world, is not left out of this understanding of the need to acknowledge the significant contributions of the Diaspora. The nation has also recognized the need to empower and engage its citizens in the Diaspora to identify with their home country and participate effectively in its national development through trade, investment, entrepreneurship, and job creation. Indeed, the impact of the Diaspora has been felt in many areas. One obvious illustration of this is the fact that Nigeria receives some of the highest financial remittances in Africa and in the world.

Although, a number of policies have been developed over diaspora-related issues and steps have been taken by the Government over the years, there has, until now, been no comprehensive policy that addresses, in an encompassing manner, Government’s commitment or strategy. The steps taken, however, indicate Government’s interest in engaging the Diaspora in promoting national development. Nevertheless, key challenges remain in the areas of adequate data on Nigerians in the Diaspora, high cost of remittances, coordination, inadequate infrastructure, knowledge and technology transfer, pooling of funds from the Diaspora for targeted Foreign Direct Investment, etc,

In view of the above, the broad objective of the Policy is to address these challenges by identifying areas of Diaspora needs and setting the machinery in motion to address them. The National Diaspora Policy aims to provide a comprehensive and supporting framework for facilitating Diaspora engagement in national development, empowering the Diaspora to contribute effectively, and maximizing the value of Diaspora contributions to Nigeria’s development. This will be done in line with the national development goals as contained in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Several guiding principles underpin the strategies and action plans set out in this Policy including partnership and synergy, mutuality, and reciprocity, with the underlying approach of ensuring adequate representation and involvement of Nigerians in the Diaspora in all facets of diaspora activities.

The Policy is also informed by extant legislations and policies which deal with aspects of diaspora matters, thereby ensuring policy consistency and coherence.

The overall goal of the Policy is to promote and support constructive engagement of the Diaspora for sustainable national development. To achieve this, various strategies are articulated in this Policy in the areas of technology, health, education, agriculture, foreign investment, etc.

Furthermore, Government is committed to providing the necessary enabling environment, including legislative, regulatory, budgetary, and information support for the implementation of the Policy.

The effective implementation of the Policy depends on an active institutional framework, robust political backing, active administrative and technical support. These will assist effective transformation of goals, objectives and strategies delineated in the policy into concrete programmes. As key stakeholders and beneficiaries, it is expected that the Diaspora will support and participate in the implementation as well as review of this Policy. It is also expected that all stakeholders including the relevant government agencies which have been given a role in this Policy will fully execute their roles and responsibilities, leading to a more cohesive deployment of strategies to engage Nigerians in the Diaspora in sustainable national development. A Plan of Action for the Policy will delineate the specific activities of stakeholders for the purpose of implementing the Policy. A monitoring and evaluation framework is set out in the Policy which shall be reviewed periodically.


1.1      Introduction

Human capital resources create wealth and determine the pace of development. Nations seeking to achieve sustainable development therefore pay attention to critical issues of capacity building, mobilization, harnessing and deployment of human capital resources wherever they may be. Thus, one of the most globally discussed topics in capacity development is the immense potentials of the Diaspora to help develop their countries of origin. It is increasingly recognised that the Diaspora are a valuable component of a nation’s resources. Over the years, Nigerians in the Diaspora have contributed immensely through various means to national development through making some of Africa’s highest economic remittances, engagement in medical missions, amongst many other contributions. Externally, the Nigerians in the Diaspora have continued to contribute immensely to the global economy.

Nigeria’s enormous human resources, both at home and in the Diaspora are well placed to make practical contributions to accelerate growth and development in Africa, with growing recognition of its potentials spurring action, both from the Diaspora and the Nigerian Government. Nigeria has recognized the Diaspora as a veritable tool for the socio-economic development of the country leading to the desire to develop a national policy that guarantees and supports their right of participation in the socio-economic development of their homeland.

Notwithstanding, with the recognition of the huge potentials of the Diaspora, many obstacles continue to pose challenges to the effective deployment of the Diaspora to the country’s national development. These challenges include a continuing inadequate skills and expertise in the country, inadequate data on the Diaspora to support evidence-based interventions, high cost of remittance, obtaining relevant data and lack of an effective information portal.

The Government of Nigeria has long acknowledged the importance of engaging with the Diaspora towards national development. In this respect, Nigeria had hitherto adopted a multifaceted approach, containing a variety of initiatives, rather than a singular, focused policy approach. Early efforts to engage the Diaspora have included the establishments of the Nigerian National Volunteer Service and a National Diaspora Day (first celebrated in 2005). Recent efforts also include the enactment of the legislation establishing the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, the support of diaspora investment in Nigeria through the floating of a diaspora bond and active engagement with the Diaspora organisations amongst others. The Government of Nigeria has demonstrated a desire to engage actively with the Diaspora in the pursuit of national development. Nigeria has also received support

from organisations such as the International Organization for Migration in developing profiles of different skillsets, gaps and needs of the Diaspora.

It has thus become necessary to articulate a clear roadmap for the engagement of the Diaspora in national development through the adoption of a national policy to capture government’s commitments and strategies. It has also become imperative to identify the key stakeholders and assign them roles and responsibilities in diaspora engagement. These efforts are aimed at creating a favourable environment for harnessing the immense potentials of the Diaspora towards national development. This Policy will provide a tool to measure and evaluate the effective engagement of the Diaspora as well as an advocacy instrument for those interested in Nigeria’s development.

This Policy incorporates the priorities and focus of the National Migration Policy (NMP) of Nigeria. It also includes the economic and social development strategies of the Government as encapsulated in the national development plan articulated in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP). Furthermore, the Policy aims to complement the processes of achieving the regional and international development targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1.2      Definition

There are various definitions of the term “Diaspora”. These include:

a. “people who have been spread or been dispersed from their homeland.” (Oxford English Dictionary, 2004)

b. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) defines Diaspora as members of ethnic and national communities                    who have left but maintain links with their homeland (IOM, 2008).

c. For the African Union, “The African Diaspora consists of peoples of African origin living outside the continent,                                   irrespective of their citizenship and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union.” (AU, 2005) The AU also recognizes the growing importance of the Diaspora in the polity. Thus, the recognition of the African Diaspora as an important part of the continent prompted the African Union (AU) in 2003 to declare the African Diaspora as the sixth region of the continent.1 In line with this, Nigeria welcomes members of the African Diaspora who wish to identify with the country.

d. Within the framework of the National Migration Policy, Nigerians in the Diaspora are described as: “people of Nigerian nationality and/or descent who have migrated to or were born and live-in other countries, who share a common  identity and a sense of belonging”.

1 Extraordinary Summit of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (February, 2003).

e. Thus, in the Nigerian context, with a view to aligning definitions with the Constitution as well as other legal frameworks and national development thrust of this Policy, ‘Diaspora’ refers to “Nigerians who live and work abroad and who maintain links with the country and show clear interest in contributing to the socio-economic, political, technological                  and industrial development of Nigeria”.

f. This definition shall also include the Historic African Diasporas (HAD) who wish to identify with Nigeria in line with the                 African Union (AU) proclamation.

1.3        The Background and Context of the Policy

Nigeria with a population of 198 million people (National Population Commission, 2019) is the most populous Country in Africa. Over the years, Nigerians have migrated to other countries in significant numbers to live, study and work. Many of them are successful and prominent in their fields of endeavour, attracting international recognition and contributing effectively to the societies to which they have migrated, while continuing to maintain links with Nigeria.

For many Nigerians living in the diaspora, the number of years spent outside the country has not diminished their patriotism and has strengthened their sense of connection to their country of origin. Like most Nigerians at home, they remain concerned with the developmental situation in the country. Many of them have acquired critical skills and resources needed to solve Nigeria’s socio-economic problems. Through their cultural activities, they remain Nigeria’s foremost cultural ambassadors and a potent force for a positive external image.

Remittances from the diaspora to Nigeria are substantial, making Nigeria the destination with the second highest in Africa. Nigeria receives the largest inflow of remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2017, Nigeria was ranked as the 5th largest remittance receiving developing country in the world, and the highest in Africa, with an estimate of 22 Billion US dollars (KNOMAD, 2017). With such remittances, Nigerians in the Diaspora can be a viable economic force. The Diaspora is increasingly being recognised globally for the important role they play and the impact they have made in their countries of origin through their remittances, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), skills and technology transfer etc. Many countries have established policies and legislations to create an enabling environment for the full participation and contribution of the Diaspora to national development. There is also the realization that some countries notably India, Israel, China, Pakistan, Mexico, and the Philippines have successfully engaged their Diaspora for rapid development (Mendoza, 2009; World Bank, 2011). Furthermore, the African Union through the Declaration of the Global African Diaspora Summit, 2012 emphasized the need to engage the African Diasporas at various levels. Nigeria is a signatory to the Declaration and being Africa’s most populous country with the largest Diasporas, ought to effectively implement the Declaration.

Under President Olusegun Obasanjo, the Federal Government encouraged the establishment of the Nigerians in the Diaspora Organization (NIDO) in 2001. NIDO was set up to serve as an umbrella

diaspora organization of all Nigerians abroad and a vehicle through which Nigerians in the Diaspora can be galvanized to participate in national development processes. It currently has branches in five continents: Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. In addition, many professional groups in the Diaspora, notably medical professionals, faith groups and ethnic groups have also set up several diaspora associations.

Nigeria has also undertaken efforts to ensure the effective participation of the Diaspora in economic and infrastructural development. Such efforts have included the provision of guidance for medical missions for persons in the health professions seeking to improve their communities’ health through medical missions. It has also included the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) regulation of financial remittances and international money transfer through recent policies. The creation of investment opportunities such as the Diaspora Bond is also one of the key steps. The Diaspora Bond, managed by the Debt Management Office, was developed to raise funds from Nigerians in the Diaspora. The funds raised are directed to the objective of obtaining relatively cheap foreign exchange for financing capital projects, while also providing an opportunity for the Diaspora to participate in the development of Nigeria. Previous issues of the Bond, in 2013 and 2017, have been fully subscribed, indicating a great interest by Nigerians in the Diaspora in Nigerian investments, especially those backed with Government support. However, poor regulation of the bond subscription process has raised issues of ownership of the bond.

As part of the effort to provide an institutional framework for involving the Diaspora in the affairs of the country, the government in 2003 established the Nigerian National Volunteer Service (NNVS), which had the responsibility of facilitating the engagement of the Diaspora in the development process at home. This effort has now been expanded with the establishment of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission by the enactment of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (Establishment) Act, 2017. The Commission is empowered by the Act to amongst other things, provide a direct link for Nigerians in Diaspora to participate in the development of the nation.

However, there is still inadequate framework for engaging the Diaspora. Thus, there is a need for a national policy to address continued challenges in effectively mobilising the resource that the Diaspora represents for the country and to clearly articulate government commitment and strategy towards diaspora engagement. The current effort to develop a National Policy on Diaspora is a direct response for the need to provide a comprehensive institutional framework and a strategy for the mobilization and involvement of Nigerians in the Diaspora in the national development process and to address the challenges militating against their participation. Some of these challenges include:

a. Inadequate diaspora database;

b. Insufficient information on existing Diaspora data;

c. Limited coordination of efforts and information relating to the diaspora;

d. Inadequate environment for diaspora investments;

e. Poor transfer of technology and capacity arising from inadequate infrastructure and insecurity;

f. High cost of remittances;

g. Inadequate data on remittances through informal or alternative channels;

h. Insufficient information on investment opportunities and information channels for passing across current information;

i. Time and cost constraints in the provision of services required by the Diaspora;

j. Hostile environment in the host country; and

k. Significant brain drains particularly of medical professionals in the health sector.

Although, tourism presents a huge business potential in the country and could create employment within the country, it makes little contribution to the economy at present. This sector could be developed with diaspora resources and physical engagements. Tourist destinations to different parts of the Country could be made more attractive.

Alongside a significant challenge of brain drain in critical areas, there is inadequate engagement of diaspora talents to reverse the current brain drain. There are insufficient mechanisms/fora to ensure skills and intellectual capital transfer from the Nigerians in the Diaspora who possess critical skills, expertise, experience, and technical knowledge that can effectively be employed for the development of the country.

Beyond this, lack of effective inter-sectoral coordination, clear delineation of responsibilities and authority, duplication of efforts, and inter-agency rivalry have hampered existing efforts to effectively manage and enhance diaspora engagement. This lack of coordination has resulted in duplication of efforts and inefficiencies in resources by several agencies of government. The establishment of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission has provided the platform to domicile coordination of Diaspora-related activities. This will assist in removing the obstacles as the Commission is charged with coordinating all Diaspora related activities. Such a focused approach will help contain and/or eliminate institutional wastages occasioned by multiple MDAs pursuing disparate or competing Diaspora engagement agendas.

In addition, members of the Diaspora are not fully coordinated as there are multiple diaspora organizations and associations. Also, a significant number of Nigerians in the Diaspora are yet to register while some have refused to register with these organisations. The articulation of a National Diaspora Policy is therefore needed to give clear direction on how to effectively engage the Diaspora and harness their expertise, potentials and resources for national growth and development.

In view of these challenges, a comprehensive national policy providing a strategy and framework for effective engagement is needed. Over the years, Nigerians in the Diaspora have contributed to the

development of the homeland, even in the absence of a clearly articulated policy framework. The formulation of a Diaspora Policy by the Federal Government will provide the much-needed platform to effectively harness diaspora resources and coordinate matters relating to Diaspora engagements in Nigeria.

1.4.      Justification

Nigerians in the Diaspora are among the most educated and successful of the immigrant population in many countries. A significant percentage of them are professionals with specialization in fields such as medicine, education, information technology, real estate, law, banking, and engineering etc. Nigerians in the Diaspora, especially the professionals, constitute a large pool of well trained, skilled, and experienced human capital; the critical mass that the country requires to drive its technological advancement in the 21st century and beyond.

It is therefore acknowledged that the significant number of Nigerians in the Diaspora, when put together with their resources and where properly harnessed, have the potential to positively impact on the country’s socio-economic development. There are however several challenges which currently impede the full optimization of these opportunities. One of the key challenges is inadequate information of Nigerians in the diaspora. It is estimated that there are over 17 million2 Nigerians living in the Diaspora, with millions of them residing in the Americas, particularly in the United States of America and Canada, while a significant number live in Europe with the United Kingdom as the destination of choice. Nigerians in the Diaspora are found globally in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Middle East.

Over the years, Government has come to recognize the importance of mobilizing and engaging Nigerians in the Diaspora as strategic partners in the national development process. The need to engage the Nigerians in the Diaspora is based on the recognition of the huge human capital and resources of the Diaspora as major contributors to national development.

1.5.      Legal and Policy Framework

        a. Legal Framework:

The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) forms the legal foundation of the Policy. It provides for the human rights of all Nigerians in its Chapter Four. It also provides for dual citizenship, thus allowing Nigerians in the diaspora to enjoy the benefits of citizenship in Nigeria and abroad. In addition, there are several legislations which specify the mandate of various government agencies such as the Central Bank of Nigeria Act which empowers the CBN to make monetary policies, including remittance policies.

2Report from the Ministry of Italian disclosed by the Federal Commissioner, National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI), Sadiya Umar Farouq, at the National Consultation on the Global Compact for safe, orderly and Regular Migration, Lagos Nigeria source:( ).

The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission Act was enacted in 2017. It establishes a Commission which has broad responsibilities as specified in the Act.

        b. Policy Framework

This Policy is anchored on the existing National Migration Policy and the National Policy on Labour Migration in Nigeria. This Policy is also founded on the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan. It also draws inspiration from the Sustainable Development Goals.

1.6      Guiding Principles

This Policy is anchored on the following guiding principles which are to govern the implementation of the Policy:

        a. Partnership, Engagement and Synergy

Under this principle, effective collaboration between the Diaspora and the government shall be encouraged in all programmes, activities and plans relating to diaspora engagement. Policies, plans, programmes, and priorities shall be developed in a spirit of partnership and cooperation. This partnership approach will permeate all levels of the Diaspora engagement, including partnership with Government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and civil society organisations.

        b. Mutuality, Empowerment and Reciprocity

The implementation of this Policy and the accompanying Action Plan shall serve the interests of Nigeria and its Diaspora. The Policy shall enable and empower all Nigerians in the Diaspora to fully participate in national development while achieving their highest potential in their host countries. Although, it is recognised that the Diaspora presents untapped opportunity to promote socio-economic development, this Policy is underpinned by the guiding principles of mutuality and reciprocity. The Government shall be open to receiving resources that may be made available by and through Nigerians in the Diaspora. The Diaspora shall also receive support from the country, including access to relevant information and effective complaints management processes.

        c. Accountability

Accountability shall be a core guiding principle for all stakeholders in the implementation of this Policy. All resources in the process of implementation of the Policy and the Action Plan shall be managed effectively, following all due processes, adopting established best practices, and incorporating the tenets of good governance.

        d. Integrity

Implementation of this Policy shall be on the basis of integrity, truth, reliability, consistency, trust, fair play and mutual respect.

        e. Inclusiveness

The engagement of the Diaspora, as laid out in this Policy shall be an inclusive process, with a view to ensuring that the Action Plan and all means for achieving the goals of this Policy will engage all relevant stakeholders in the Diaspora and Nigeria.

        f. Transparency and Communication

Transparency shall be the watch word in the implementation of this Policy and its Action Plan. Communication by all relevant stakeholders shall be open, transparent, and timely, thereby enabling knowledge sharing and informed decision-making.

        g. Sustainability

Sustainability and continuity shall be key considerations in all actions, processes and steps taken in the implementation of this Policy and its Action Plan.

        h. Gender and Youth Responsiveness

Recognition of gender and youth in the implementation of the Policy is an underlying principle and shall be taken into account in order to ensure balanced and inclusive approach.

        i. Consistency

The Nigerian Diaspora Policy shall be consistent with the overall objectives of the National Migration Policy, the national development agenda, other relevant policies, and existing legislations.

1.7        Policy Statement

This Policy is to provide the roadmap, vision, mission, objectives, and Action Plan, for comprehensive and effective engagement of Nigerians in the Diaspora in the development of the country.


2.1      Introduction

Nigeria, like many other developing countries, recognizes the enormous potentials of her Diaspora population to contribute towards the overall development of the country. This chapter provides the key objectives of this Policy. These objectives are founded on the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP), the National Migration Policy, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other national development priorities. The objectives are also anchored on the principles of Engagement, Empowerment, Enablement, and set-out guiding principles.


2.2        Overall Objective

The objective of this Policy is to enhance, mobilize and harness the potentials of Nigerians in the Diaspora for sustainable national development.


2.3        Specific Objectives

  1. To identify the sources of the potentials of Nigerians in the Diaspora that can contribute to national development;
  2. To develop robust and dynamic strategies targeted at harnessing Diaspora resources towards national development;
  3. To respond to the challenges and needs of the Nigerians in the Diaspora to participate in national development;
  4. To improve and sustain strong socio-cultural and economic relations with the Nigerians in the Diaspora for national development;
  5. To enhance policy coherence and consistency through strategies that facilitate synergy between existing Diaspora actions;
  6. Create awareness among Nigerians in the Diaspora to invest in income generating investments;
  7. Promote ease of return through the establishment of sustainable returnee schemes; and
  8. To strengthen the relevant institutions for the coordination and proper administration of Diaspora issues, particularly the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission


2.3      Strategies

To achieve the` objectives of this Policy, Government is committed to creating the needed platform to “Engage”, “Enable” and “Empower” Nigerians in the Diaspora towards national development. In the

implementation of these strategies, every effort shall be made to ensure Diaspora involvement, including in the prioritization of projects. To this end, this Policy adopts the following strategies:


2.3.1                   Provide Enabling Environment: Security, Infrastructure and Regulations

Government shall continue to implement strategies for creating the enabling environment for Nigerians in the Diaspora to engage in various positive, transformative, and sustainable efforts to support national development. Such effort should include initiatives to improve security and safety of persons, goods and infrastructure. Furthermore, the Government shall continue to strengthen the regulatory environment to facilitate investment, including enforcement of extant regulations on cybercrimes, money laundering and other financial crimes.


2.3.2                    Provide Incentives for Diaspora Engagement in Trade and Investment

Government shall:

  1. Establish mechanisms to encourage Nigerians in the Diaspora towards active engagement in Trade and Investment;
  2. Continue to provide incentives such as tax rebates and waivers on duties of certain goods and services in accordance with extant fiscal policy measures;
  3. Promote the use of Diaspora bonds, government securities and other investment products that are targeted at Nigerians in the Diaspora;
  4. Engage Nigerians in the Diaspora in infrastructural and investments efforts through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the areas of ICT, Health, Education, Agriculture, etc.
  5. Strengthen appropriate regulatory environment and mechanisms for protecting investments;
  6. Support dialogue among regional economic communities as well as South–South and North–South dialogue, to create win-win situations for Nigeria, countries of transit or destination, and Nigerians in the Diaspora.


2.3.2                    Remittances

Government shall:

  1. Create incentives and ensure an adequate regulatory environment through its relevant organs and agencies to facilitate cost effective, efficient and secure channels of remittance flow;
  2. Educate the Diaspora community on policies that have been put in place to ensure, secure and cost-effective remittance channels;
  3. Continue to create the necessary monetary policies that will facilitate the transfer of resources from the Diaspora to Nigeria for national development;
  4. Continue to give due recognition to social remittances through corporate and individual philanthropic support and community development projects by Nigerians in the Diaspora to education, health, entrepreneurship and other social goods;
  5. Continue to develop systems to collate, monitor and assess the formal and informal inflow of social and financial remittances; and
  6. Continue to work to improve the coordination of such remittances for the purpose of aligning them with identified national priorities, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and socio-economic needs in the country.


2.3.4                    National Diaspora Day

  1. As declared by the Federal Government of Nigeria, July 25th of each year shall be recognised as National Diaspora Day. This Day is set aside for the recognition of the contributions of Nigerians in the Diaspora to national development and celebrate Diasporas who have achieved feats in various fields of endeavour.
  2. Government shall continue to improve on the structure of Diaspora Day event to allow for result-oriented programmes for national development.


2.3.5                 Provide Protection for Labour Migration

Government shall:

  1. Undertake protective and supportive measures, including negotiating and signing Bilateral Labour Agreements with host countries; and
  2. Continue to implement extant policies on labour migration.


2.3.6                    Engagement

Government shall take necessary steps to ensure the following:

a. Database: Put in place necessary machinery to obtain reliable statistics, information and other relevant data for the purpose of registering Nigerians in the Diaspora; 

b. Outreach: Government shall continue to work with NIDO and all other relevant Diaspora associations including individuals to develop outreach strategies that will facilitate the involvement of Diaspora in national development. This Policy recognizes other registered Diaspora associations that contribute to National development.

c. Diaspora Offices: Diaspora Offices shall be established in all the relevant MDAs to prvide easier access to information and for better coordination with the Lead Agency on Diaspora matters. (See Action Plan for relevant Ministries Department and Agencies (MDAs). State and Local Government shall also be encouraged to establish Diaspora Offices.


2.3.7                    Empowerment

Government shall:

  1. Continue to create conducive environment for temporary and permanent transfer of critical skills and expertise of Nigerians in Diaspora;
  2. Continue to encourage collaborative research between them and their professional colleagues at home; and
  3. Continue to strengthen Diaspora Engagement Desk in all foreign missions.


2.3.8                    Education

Government shall:

  1. Continue to strengthen cooperation with respective International and Continental Teaching Regulatory Agencies for benchmarking, standardization, professionalism for Nigerians in the Diaspora;
  2. Encourage Diaspora associations/organisations to access existing facilities within the education sector;
  3. Enter into bilateral agreement/cooperation and on mutual recognition on equivalence of certificates and degrees obtained by Nigerians in the Diaspora; and
  4. Government shall ensure re-integration of Diaspora teachers and students on evaluation of their certificates to facilitate job placement and skills.


2.3.9                    Academics and Teachers

Government shall:

  1. Continue to encourage academics and teachers in the Diaspora whose skills, are relevant to national development;
  2. Recognize degrees and certificates awarded to Nigerians in the Diaspora by recognized institutions; and
  3. Recognize for engagements in the country only registered and professional teachers.


2.3.10                 Student Exchange and Internship

Government shall:

  1. Encourage Students Exchange and Internships (SEI) as avenues through which Nigerian students in the Diaspora can be exposed to Nigerian educational environment; and
  2. Ensure that the purpose of foreign travels by Nigerians are adhered to and not diverted to avert diplomatic embarrassment.


2.3.11                 Health Care

Government shall:

  1. Continue to encourage professional bodies to support healthcare providers to register and practice without undue bureaucracy;
  2. Continue to put in place programmes for the orientation of healthcare Practitioner from the Diaspora to acquaint them with values, rules and regulations of their professions in Nigeria;
  3. Continue to encourage Nigerian healthcare providers practicing abroad to return home and practice, as against the recruitment of foreign health care providers;
  4. Identify and fill gaps to optimize the health worker-to-population ratio by attracting and engaging talent from the Diaspora;
  5. Develop and ensure the implementation of the Diaspora Professionals Healthcare Initiative (DPHI) to attract and encourage Nigerian medical professionals abroad to provide health services in Nigeria;
  6. Continue to encourage training and specialization of healthcare providers in critical areas with Diaspora support;
  7. Continue to support the medical missions from Nigerians in the Diaspora and make them aware of requisite regulations and guidelines relating to medical missions in the


  1. Continue to ensure the enforcement of the National Standards and Guidelines on Medical Health Missions in Nigeria; and
  2. Grant waivers to Nigerians in the Diaspora importing medical equipment into the country for medical mission under this Policy.


2.3.12                 Institute Protections to Empower the Diaspora

Under this Strategy, the Government shall continue to institute protections that will empower the

Diaspora in their host countries through the following means:

a. Portability of Social Security

Government shall continue to encourage host countries to facilitate Diaspora access to social security benefits applicable in their countries. Government shall enter into Bilateral Social Security Agreement (BSA) for the purpose of ensuring the transferability and portability of pensions and other benefits for Nigerians in the Diaspora who seek to retire and relocate permanently to Nigeria.

b. Consular and Immigration Services

Diaspora Desk Officers in all MDAs shall collaborate with Consular Officers in Nigerian Embassies/Consulates in respective host countries to facilitate Consular and Immigration services to Nigerians in the Diaspora, to improve awareness among Nigerians of the availability of such services and develop the capacity in assisting the Diaspora to utilize investment opportunities at home.


2.3.13                 Institution of an Integration Framework for Diaspora Returnees

Government shall institute appropriate re-integration processes to cater for the need of Diaspora returnees.


2.3.14                 Promote Migration and Diaspora Research for National Development

  1. Update of data research on approaches to facilitating the contribution of Nigerians in the Diaspora to national development and policy making;
  2. Conduct periodic review of the challenges inhibiting Diaspora contribution to national development with a view to proffering solutions; and
  3. Engage institutional partnership and knowledge sharing among the academia and Diaspora stakeholders with host countries and in Nigeria.


2.3.15                 Facilitate a vibrant sense of community and Nigerian identity abroad

Nigerian Missions will engage with Nigerians in the Diaspora to encourage the creation and flourishing of Nigerian Diaspora Associations/Organizations.


2.3.16                 Facilitate Knowledge and skills Exchange

Government shall facilitate knowledge and skills exchange between Nigerians in the Diaspora in diverse fields and individuals as well as institutions in Nigeria.


2.3.17                 Industry, Trade and Investment

Government shall:

  1. Continue to provide enabling environment for Diaspora participation in trade and investment in Nigeria;
  2. Encourage financial institutions to protect and regulate Diaspora financial inflows and outflows for cost effectiveness;
  3. Encourage investment in infrastructural development to boost the economy;
  4. Grant tax incentives to Nigerians in the Diaspora who are willing to invest in the Nigerian economy not exceeding a period of five (5) years; and
  5. Support private sector-led platforms and initiatives for investments and trust funds.


2.3.18                 Science, Technology and Innovation (STI)

Government shall:

  1. Encourage Diaspora experts in Science and Technology through appropriate channels, to return, both on short and long-term basis to volunteer their services;
  2. Encourage relevant MDAs to identify critical areas of need and ensure that experts and students engage in both local and international seminars, workshops and conferences;
  3. Provide support for the experts from the Diaspora who volunteer their time to participate in the STI program; and
  4. Fine-tune the Nigerian STI Policy in order to efficiently allocate funds and time in line with international best practices.


2.3.19                Political Participation and Governance

Government shall:

  1. Encourage participation of persons in the Diaspora in electoral processes and governance; and
  2. Encourage the realization of the Diaspora’s rights to vote by amending the necessary legislation and provide the required infrastructure.


2.3.20                 Agriculture

Government shall continue to encourage Nigerians in the Diaspora to contribute to the development of Agriculture in the following areas:

  1. Commercial Agriculture
  2. Extension services
  3. Food storage and preservation
  4. Improved seed varieties
  5. Food processing, packaging and exportation, etc


2.3.21                 Housing, Rural and Urban Development

Government shall continue to encourage relevant institutions to develop appropriate programmes and measures to promote Diaspora investment in housing, rural and urban development in Nigeria.


2.3.22                 Tourism and Culture

Government shall:

  1. Provide support for special projects aimed at creating a strong cultural affinity to Nigeria;
  2. Encourage Nigerians in the Diaspora to invest in the tourism industry in Nigeria through financial incentives, tax breaks, etc.
  3. Extend incentives and encouragements to Nigerians in the Diaspora to promote Nigeria arts through the teaching Nigerian languages and culture in destination countries;
  4. Government shall continue to encourage relevant sectors to participate in Diaspora socio-cultural and economic events;
  5. Connect Nigerian youths in the Diaspora and in Nigeria for the purpose of sharing cultural knowledge and insights;
  6. Promote tourism campaigns directed at Diaspora populations;
  7. Promote the culture and tourism of Nigeria to the Diaspora on social media and government websites;
  8. Preserve indigenous artefacts, galleries, etc; and
  9. Promote collaboration with cultural and tourism institutions in Nigeria.


2.3.23                 Sports Development

Government shall:

  1. Encourage Nigerians in the Diaspora to sponsor sporting activities in Nigeria;
  2. Encourage Nigerians in the Diaspora to provide unique sports equipment not readily available in Nigeria;
  3. Grant import waivers for such unique equipment; and
  4. Scout for talents amongst the Nigerians in the Diaspora for sporting activities.


2.3.24 Recognition and National Awards

Government shall sustain the national and productivity awards for the Nigerians in the Diaspora.


3.1      Introduction

The institutional framework is the structure through which the Policy will be operationalized and implemented. The framework shall be in line with the institutional framework set out in the National Migration Policy. Nigerians in the Diaspora engagement as contemplated in this Policy will be holistic and integrated. It shall comprise realization and implementation by the Government through all relevant MDAs, the private sector, the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the academia. The framework thus provides institutional avenues through which Diaspora engagement issues will be mainstreamed. The Policy framework is a broad, legal, administrative, budgetary and /funding institutional structure for implementation.


3.2        Policy Coordination

The Lead Agency is the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, which shall coordinate and support the efforts of other stakeholders towards the implementation of this National Policy. The Commission shall, on a regular basis, monitor and evaluate progress of implementation of the Policy by key stakeholders, carry out identification of deviation from set targets, take corrective measures and rate the overall success of the Policy.


3.3        Implementing MDAs and Institutions

The following institutions shall be responsible for implementing this Policy and its programmes:


3.3.1                    Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) – The Lead Agency

The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) derives its functions and powers from the Nigerians in Diaspora Act and shall do the following:

  1. Mobilize and execute programs that will complement national development and advise the Federal Government on major areas of accelerated development;
  2. Formulate policies as the Commission may, from time to time determine;
  3. Co-ordinate and harmonize all continental Nigerian in Diaspora Organizations;
  4. Advise the Government at all levels on matters related to the Act;
  5. Set up a world-wide council (consisting of continental, regional and local councils);
  6. Reach out to Nigerian Communities abroad through their various groups, organization and professional bodies;
  7. Articulate its mandate and that of the Government properly and widely;
  8. Strengthen the existing administrative set-up of NIDO;
  9. Work in concert with NIDO, professional sub-committees, sub-committees on the professional / interest groups and the various socio-cultural groups; and
  10. Design criteria for membership participation.


3.3.2                    Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) shall play its role as the supervisory Ministry of the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission as well as all Diaspora Affairs. It shall provide Policy guidelines for Foreign Missions to address diaspora related issues and ensure that the Nigerian Foreign Policy gives priority to the protection of every Nigerian.


3.3.3                    Ministry of Budget and National Planning (MBNP)

The Ministry of Budget and National Planning (MBNP) shall ensure that issues relating to Diaspora are included in the mainstream of national Development plan. Accordingly, the Ministry shall monitor and ensure that all activities and programmes are implemented by all relevant MDAs for national development, and effective interfacing with Stakeholders and Development Partners.


3.3.4                    Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment

The National Policy on Labour Migration (NPLM) recognizes that it is often through labour migration that the diaspora phenomenon evolves, thus the Ministry shall continue to implement the policy and its Action Plan in Diaspora mobilization, human resource planning and utilization. The ministry shall commission research studies on emerging and future labour migration trends, conduct awareness training/orientation for persons in the diaspora who wish to relocate to Nigeria. It shall also provide information on regular migration and enter into Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs) with host countries for the benefits and protection of Nigerians in the Diaspora.

The Ministry shall also reach out to Nigerians in the Diaspora through the Commission to create awareness on employment opportunities within the country. In addition, the Ministry shall seek to develop the confidence of Nigerians in Diaspora in the existing skills and support in creating jobs for the youths in the country.

The Ministry shall further pursue co-operation with the Diaspora through the Commission in th e area of skills transfer leveraging on the existing Skills Upgrading and Vocational Training Centres within the six Geo-Political Zones of the country as well as engage the Diaspora in the Migrant Resource Centres for information sharing on migration issues and challenges.


3.3.5                    Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (FMWASD)

The Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development shall make and ensure the implementation of gender policies as related to the Diaspora.


3.3.6                    Federal Ministry of Information and Culture (FMIC)

Awareness creation is imperative in showing the development contribution of Nigerians in the Diaspora. In this respect, the Federal Ministry of Information and Culture (FMIC) shall collaborate with the media and Nigerians in the Diaspora to enlighten and sensitize Nigerians on the importance of Diaspora on development issues.

They shall ensure adequate dissemination of information on investment, registration of persons in the Diaspora. The Ministry shall through her relevant agencies work with Nigerians in the Diaspora to promote Nigerian Culture and Tourism.


3.3.7                    Federal Ministry of Education (FMoE)

The Federal Ministry of Education (FMoE) in collaboration with other relevant stakeholders shall design schemes for the Nigerians in the Diaspora to return periodically to the country for educational projects in line with its stipulated operational processes as stated in the Education Sector Action Plan on migration.

The Ministry shall identify the educational needs and priorities of the country, and work with the Diaspora to align their engagement with these needs. It shall enforce standardization and professionalism as well as provide access for Diaspora integration in Nigeria for national development.


3.3.8                    Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH)

The Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) shall improve the health sector through the engagement of health professionals in the Diaspora to support health development in Nigeria. To this end, the Ministry shall ensure the effective implementation of programmes within the framework of the National Health Policy. The Ministry shall also ensure the implementation of the provisions of the National Standards and Guidelines for the Conduct of Medical/Health Missions in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the Ministry shall identify needs in the health sector to facilitate alignment of diaspora support and provide a supportive environment for diaspora investment in the health sector. The Ministry shall ensure quality of medical products and equipment, and support knowledge and skills transfer by Nigerian health professionals in Diaspora.


3.3.9                    Federal Ministry of Interior (FMoI)

The Ministry of Interior (FMoI) through the Nigeria Immigration Service shall collaborate and share information with the Commission, NPopC and NBS on data relating to Nigerians in the diaspora. It shall also ensure that the supportive policies and directives of Government relating to overstay, extension of passport validity, Nigerian visa requirements and other relevant issues are implemented.


3.3.10                 Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI)

The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI) shall continue to ensure that all parastatals/agencies under its supervision create an enabling environment for Diaspora participation in Industry, Trade and Investment. It shall help provide supportive mechanisms and incentives for persons in the Diaspora who may wish to invest in the country.


3.3.11                 Federal Ministry of Justice (FMoJ)

The Federal Ministry of Justice (FMoJ) shall ensure that the implementation of the National Policy on Diaspora is in line with the relevant laws of the country.


3.3.12                  Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development

The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development shall work with the Commission to ensure the effective implementation of diaspora related matters.


3.3.13                 Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports Development (FMYSD)

The Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports Development (FMYSD) shall facilitate sponsorship and funding of its activities in Nigeria in conjunction with Nigerians in the Diaspora, scout for talents, and any other related activity aimed at providing avenues for sport, youth and development in the country.


3.3.14                 National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) shall coordinate data production on Diaspora for evidence-based planning and policy making.


3.3.15                 Debt Management Office (DMO)

The Debt Management Office (DMO) shall continue to administer the Diaspora Bond. It shall make available the requisite information, including the criteria for eligibility to participate in this and create awareness for Diaspora in investment vehicles.


3.3.16 Nigerians in the Diaspora Organization (NIDO) and other Relevant Diaspora Bodies

Nigerians in the Diaspora Organizations shall facilitate:

  1. Mobilization of Diaspora for national development;
  2. Registration of Nigerians in their host countries;
  3. Encouragement of its members to contribute to national development;
  4. Shall participate in the effective monitoring and evaluation of the impact of this Policy; and
  5. Shall advocate for budget releases and other elements necessary for the effective implementation of this Policy.


3.3.17                 Federal Ministry of Finance (FMoF)

Federal Ministry of Finance (FMoF) shall provide the necessary support for the implementation of this Policy. They shall also anchor the implementation of necessary enabling environment that is conducive for stable growth.


3.3.18                 Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) shall take steps to provide tax incentives and information, including import waivers and reduced taxes on essential agricultural, medical and other equipment. It shall make available information on any tax incentives to persons in the Diaspora wishing to invest in the country.


3.3.19                 Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC)

Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) shall provide minimal bureaucratic requirements in line with the existing law to support the establishment of diaspora businesses.


3.3.20                 Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC)

The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) shall put in place mechanisms and incentives for the promotion of diaspora investments and provide interested persons and investors in the Diaspora with relevant investment/ related information.


3.3.21                 Nigeria Customs Service (NCS)

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) shall facilitate the processing of duty waiver certificate on supplies and equipment imported for the successful conduct of missions in Nigeria.


3.3.22                 Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC)

The Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) shall provide export-related information to support diaspora investments in export promotion activities.


3.3.23                 Raw Material Research and Development Council (RMRDC)

The Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC) shall provide information and data on raw materials to support the Diaspora in their investments and national development pursuits.


3.3.24                 Federal Institute for Industry Research, Oshodi (FIIRO)

The Federal Institute for Industry Research, Oshodi (FIIRO)shall provide information on industrial research to support diaspora investment.


3.3.25                 Nigerian National Volunteer Service (NNVS)/OSGF

The Nigerian National Volunteer Service (NNVS)/OSGF will support the Lead Agency in its role as described in this Policy. It will also cooperate with the Lead Agency to ensure full implementation of this Policy.


3.3.26                 Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) shall be responsible for implementing the Policy with respect to Diaspora participation in politics and their right to vote.


3.3.27                 National Population Commission (NPopC)

The National Population Commission (NPopC) shall collaborate with the Lead Agency and MFA as well as other stakeholders in establishing and periodically updating the database of Nigerians in the Diaspora. The Agency shall also engage in surveys to provide information on Nigerians in the Diaspora.


3.3.28                  National Universities Commission and Other Tertiary Education Regulatory Agencies

The National Universities Commission (NUC) and other Tertiary Education Regulatory Agencies shall have the responsibility of designing and implementing programmes aimed at linking experts and academia in the Diaspora to the development of tertiary education in Nigeria.


3.3.29                  National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI)

The National Commission for Refugees, Migrants, and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI) shall ensure the effective implementation of the common strategy for sharing and managing migration and Diaspora related information, and other roles as stipulated in the National Migration Policy. The Commission shall provide coordination and coherence through the instrumentality of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on migration and development as provided for in the National Migration Policy (NMP) in line with Migration Governance Structure.


3.3.30                 National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP)

The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) shall collaborate with the Commission on diaspora related matters.


3.3.31                 National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) shall work with the Commission to address the challenges in the area of risk and physical disaster management in Nigeria. It shall bring together Diasporas with interest in ameliorating the impact of natural disasters and/or disaster resulting from conflict and organising annual fund-raising activities.


3.3.32                 Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as the monetary authority shall;

  1. Ensure price and financial system stability necessary for economic growth and development;
  2. Facilitate cost effective remittances by Nigerians in the Diaspora through appropriate policies;
  3. Support the establishment and operations of the legal and regulatory frameworks surrounding remittances;
  4. CBN in collaboration with Data regulatory agencies shall draw up strategic process for the generation of data on remittances through formal and informal channels;
  5. Through its various intervention policies, CBN shall collaborate with relevant agencies to ensure that Nigerians in the Diaspora participate in its Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and other programmes most especially entrepreneurial development centres and Anchor Borrowers Programs to ensure that Nigerians are self-sufficient in food production.


3.3.33                 Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa (DTCA)

The Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa (DTCA) shall support and partner with the Commission in enhancing the contributions of Nigerians and Africans in the diaspora to Nigeria’s national development. DTCA shall assist the diasporas to invest their intellect & skills in the Nigerian economy and shall collaborate with the Commission to promote technology transfer of skills through technical cooperation between Nigeria and other countries in Africa including the exchange of high-level research experts in diverse fields.


3.4      Other Stakeholders

Relevant stakeholders shall provide necessary support to Government in building partnership towards mainstreaming Diaspora issues into national development agenda. These Stakeholders shall include the following:


3.4.1                    Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other Non-State Actors

Civil Society Organizations shall participate and partner in the effective implementation including monitoring and evaluation of the impact of this Policy. They shall continue to galvanize advocacy on how Diaspora can contribute to enhance development, advocate for budget releases and other elements necessary for the effective implementation of this Policy.

Other non-state actors such as Faith-Based Organisations and Youth Organisations shall support the implementation of this Policy through their activities.


3.4.2                    Organized Private Sector

The organized private sector is an important partner in promoting the goal and objectives of the Policy. It is anticipated that the organized private sector will partner with the Diaspora organisations to facilitate investments from the Diaspora towards national development.


3.4.3                    Academia

The Academia shall design programmes and undertake research on emerging issues in conjunction with the Nigerian academics in the Diaspora to enhance national development.


3.4.4                    Development Partners

Development partners and donor agencies represent important avenues through which some of the objectives and programmes of the Policy could be actualized. Their support shall be coordinated within the framework of this Policy.


3.4.5                    The Mass Media

The Print, Electronic and news Media organisations are recognized as important partners in the implementation of the Policy. It is expected that they shall inform, educate, and enlighten the citizenry on all matters concerning the implementation of this Policy. They shall publicize the objectives of the policy, report on, and review the progress of its implementation.


4.1        Monitoring, Evaluation, and Review

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a central component and key instrument for tracking progress in achieving the overall objective of this Policy. It allows for assessment of relevance, performance, and identification of challenges.
  • Baseline, mid-term and terminal reviews of the Policy shall be carried out.

4.2        Periodic Review of Policy

The Policy shall be subject to review every five years.


The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999

Nigerians in Diaspora (Establishment) Act, 2017

International Documents

African Union, Report of the Meeting of Experts from Members of States on the Definition of African Diaspora, 11 – 12 April 2005 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals


Federal Republic of Nigeria, Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, 2017-2020

National Migration Policy, 2015

National Policy on Labour Migration, 2014

National Standards and Guidelines for the Conduct of Medical/health Missions in Nigeria, 2016

CBN, Guidelines on International Mobile Money Remittance Service, 2014

Other Documents

IOM, Needs Assessment of the Health Sector, 2014

IOM, World Migration: Managing Labour Mobility in the Evolving Global Economy (2008).

KNOMAD, Migration and Remittances, 2018

Mendoza D. R., (ed) Closing the Distance: How Governments Strengthen Ties with Their Diasporas (Migration Policy Institute, 2009)

Oladimeji Adebayo et al, ‘Health Workforce for 2016-2030: Will Nigeria have enough?’ International Journal of Innovative Healthcare Research 4(1):9-16, Jan. Mar. 2016

World Bank, Remittance Inflows to Developing Countries. World Bank Report, Washington, 2014.

World Bank, Nigeria: Data, 2017 online:

World Bank, Harnessing the Diaspora for Development in Europe and Central Asia (World Bank, 2011)

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