Mandatory Requirement for PTAD Pensioners that are USA and Canada Residents Only

PTAD wishes to inform our esteemed pensioners in the United States of America and Canada only that the Directorate’s Diaspora Pensioners’ Survey for pensioners in USA only, is still open and will come to a close on 28th April, 2023.

It is mandatory for Pensioners who are on PTAD payroll but are not yet verified, and Pensioners who are on payroll and have been verified to complete the survey form before the closing date to ensure their ability to continue to receive Monthly Pension.

Please note that PTAD pensioners are Federal Government retirees that worked with the  Civil Service, Police, Customs, Immigration, Prisons, Federal Parastatals, Universities and research Institutes and retired on or before 30th June, 2007.

Years Worked to Qualified

Years of Service Gratuity Pension
1 1st October 1960 – 31st March 1977 5 10
2 1st April 1977 – 31st May, 1992 10 15
3 1st June, 1992 – 30th June, 2007 5 10

State Pensioners who were appointed by regional governments before 1st April, 1976 thereby qualifying for federal share of pension are also PTAD Pensioners.

Note too that if you have not been verified and are not receiving pension but you are qualified, kindly complete the survey form.

Click on the link to complete the survey NOW.

Pensioners who face challenges filling out the survey form can send an email to or for assistance.



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